Tuesday, May 30, 2017

12 Benefits of Garlic

Benefits of Garlic

1. Benefits of Garlic Has Allicin Compound, Used For Drugs
Garlic is a plant that has been used since ancient Egypt, allicin content is one of the substances used as a drug. Allicin is one of the most active and major active biological components in garlic. What is the function of this allicin? It is an anti-bacterial substance contained in garlic.
Various research has been done on this substance and found that it has important effects for some health issues below:
Lose weight
Dilute blood
Prevent hypertension
Anti-cancer substances
And anti microbial / bacteria.
This substance is what makes the characteristic smell of garlic. Garlic contains a sulfur compound called Allicin, which is believed to be a very large role and brings health benefits that are second to none.

2. Garlic Herbal Anti Cancer
Wowwww, at least that's the reaction found by researchers when examining the efficacy of garlic for the most dangerous diseases of cancer. Garlic deserves to be called an anti-cancer herb / plant, the content of allyl sulphide is contained in garlic which causes it as an anti-cancer herb.

One of the tangible evidence the researchers found was the content of PhIP, a form of heterocyclic amine (HCA) which is a substance that can trigger breast cancer for women. From various studies conducted diallyl sulphide substances contained in garlic inhibit the growth and transformation of PhIP into a carcinogen that can ultimately lead to breast cancer.
But keep in mind that garlic has an effective anti-cancer substances to prevent cell growth from various types of cancer that are harmful to you.

3. Powerful Lowers High Blood Pressure
This is the benefit of tested garlic, has been a lot of research that gives out the fact that garlic effectively lowers high blood pressure around 7-8% (Source: WebMD). Even the effects of garlic can lower blood pressure in normal people. Most studies use certain garlic powder.

4. Garlic Rich In Nutrition and Low Calories
Garlic is one of the herbs that have a very good nutritional content and in need by the body. Garlic is very high in vitamin C and calcium and iron.
Here is a summary of the nutrients given by garlic per 136 Gr of garlic:
Vitamin C; Meets 71% daily requirement
Calcium; Meet 25% daily requirement
Iron; Meet 13% daily requirement
Carbohydrates (45 grams); 15% daily requirement
Fiber (3 g); Meet 11% daily requirement.
Nutrients contained in the content of garlic is very beneficial to the human body, but uniquely it does not contain substances or nutrients that may be harmful to the body if too large such as saturated fat and calories.
This herb is certainly able to help support the health of the body and make us free from various dangerous diseases.

5. Antivirus / Anti-bacterial source / Antioxidant is very powerful
The most popular efficacy of garlic is a very rich source of antioxidants and certainly needed by the body. Not only to prevent, garlic is also known as anti virus and bacteria, substances contained in garlic can help prevent the development of bacteria, fungi, yeast, and viruses and worms in the body.

6. Powerful Trimming Bad Cholesterol 
One of the other greatness of herbal / spice in Indonesia's most famous cuisine is its ability in lowering bad cholesterol. It is able to cut  (bad cholesterol) in the body significantly, various research proves that it can cut  as much as 10-15%. Do not worry about your  (good cholesterol), although it's a potent garlic to lower, but it does not have a significant effect on, so you'll stay healthy.
Insulin production can be stimulated by consuming garlic, it is the same as the benefits of coffee that is consumed wisely. Increased insulin reduces blood sugar levels.

7. Want Longevity? Garlic The solution
Age is the secret of God, but with a myriad of benefits of garlic that we discussed there is no harm that regular consumption of garlic can help improve longevity and longevity. Here are some considerations.
Avoid cancer, the ultimate killer in the world
Avoid heart disease with the ability to cut LDL in the blood.
Reduce high blood pressure
Anti-oxidant + Anti Bacteria + Anti Virus
The fourth of the above functions is one of the factors to support for youthful life and longevity. Avoidance of various dangerous diseases and anti oxidants as well as anti-bacterial is the key to healthy happy life.

8. Effective Garlic For Beauty Skin
Not only the health that is supported by garlic, as well as the benefits of cucumber, garlic also provides very good benefits for skin beauty.
Clean blackheads. Blackheads often appear in the nose area and disrupt the appearance. Simply puree the garlic, then apply on the area with blackheads.
Eliminate scar stains. Scars sometimes create a lack of confidence for those who do. Benefits of garlic, provides anti-inflammatory properties that can clean up the rest of the wound on the skin. Apply garlic on the wound stain.
Acne medication. One clarified garlic cloves then smeared on the surface of the skin contained acne, then let stand 10 minutes or use before bed. The next day, the acne will be deflated and smaller, do it regularly to get optimal results.

9. Preventing Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
Can koq garlic to prevent neurological diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's this? Neural or oxidative damage caused by free radicals is very important in the aging process. Garlic contains antioxidants that support the body's protective mechanism against oxidative damage.
Garlic supplements have been shown to increase antioxidant enzymes in humans, as well as significantly reduce oxidative stress in patients with high blood pressure.
The combined benefits such as cholesterol and blood pressure reduction, as well as antioxidant properties, can help prevent common brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia

10. Garlic Can Cut Weight
Various studies have found that the anti-inflammatory substances contained in garlic can help regulate the fat cells that form in our body. Obesity or weight occurs when fat continues to form, this stage transforms Pre-adipocytes into fat cells (adipocytes) through a process we call inflammatory system. Vinyldithiin substances contained in garlic can help inhibit the occurrence of this inflammatory process is certainly good to prevent weight loss.

11. Eliminating Very Powerful Toothache
Garlic can sometimes be useful at a critical or urgent time when you experience toothache, wahh ?? why ? Toothache is generally caused by the bacteria found on your teeth. Anti-virus properties and bacteria that exist in garlic can eradicate and eliminate the bacteria that cause toothache. In addition it also has a potent analgesic to overcome your toothache.

12. Increase Iron Metabolism
Current research on garlic has shown that it is very powerful in boosting iron metabolism. Iron is stored in cells that exist in our body, the next activity is the transfer out of the cell and back in the circulation of the body that would require a protein called ferroportin. Ferroportin is a protein that runs across cell membranes, and provides a bridge for iron to cross and leave cells. Garlic can increase the production of this protein so as to help keep the iron circulating in the body as needed.

Side Effects Consume excessive raw garlic !!!!!
These are some possible garlic side effects that you need to consider (source: WebMD).

Side effects on the skin, If you use it for the skin, garlic is very "dangerous" if you apply too thick because it will cause like burn marks.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Garlic POSSIBLE SAFE in pregnancy when consumed in reasonable amounts. Garlic may be unsafe when used in large quantities in pregnancy and lactation. There is not enough reliable information about the safety of using garlic when pregnant or breastfeeding.
Children. Garlic may be SAFE when drinking and appropriate for short periods in children. But garlic may not be safe when taken in large doses. Some sources suggest that high doses of garlic can be harmful or even fatal to children; However, the reason for this warning is unknown. No case reports available significant side effects or deaths in children associated with consuming garlic.
Bleeding. Garlic, especially fresh garlic, can increase bleeding.
Digestive problems. Garlic can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract (GI). Use it wisely if you have problems with digestion or gastric function.
Surgery / Surgery: Garlic may cause bleeding. Stop consuming garlic at least two weeks before the scheduled surgery.

Monday, May 29, 2017

12 Manfaat Bawang Putih

12 Manfaat Bawang Putih

English Click Here

1. Manfaat Bawang Putih Memiliki Senyawa Allicin, Digunakan Untuk Obat

Bawang putih merupakan tanaman yang telah digunakan sejak jaman mesir kuno, kandungan allicin memang salah satu zat yang digunakan sebagai obat. Allicin ini merupakan salah satu komponen biologis aktif yang paling utama dan besar kandungannya dalam bawang putih. Apa fungsi dari allicin ini ? ia merupakan zat anti bakteri yang terkandung dalam bawang putih.
Berbagai riset telah dilakukan terhadap zat ini dan menemukan bahwa ia memiliki efek penting untuk beberapa isu kesehatan di bawah ini :
  • Menurunkan berat badan
  • Mengencerkan darah
  • Mencegah hipertensi
  • Zat anti kanker
  • Antioksidan
  • Dan anti anti mikroba/bakteri.
Zat ini lah yang membuat ciri khas pada bau bawang putih. Bawang putih memiliki kandungan senyawa sulfur yang disebut Allicin, yang diyakini sangat besar peranannya dan membawa manfaat kesehatan yang tiada duanya.

2. Bawang Putih Herbal Anti Kanker

Wowwww, setidaknya itulah reaksi yang ditemukan oleh para peneliti ketika meneliti khasiat bawang putih untuk penyakit paling berbahaya kanker. Bawang putih layak disebut sebagai herbal/tanaman anti kanker, kandungan sulfida alil terdapat dalam bawang putih yang menyebabkannya sebagai herbal anti kanker.
Salah satu bukti nyata yang ditemukan para peneliti adalah kandungan PhIP, salah satu bentuk dari amina heterosiklik (HCA) yang merupakan zat yang dapat memicu kanker payudara bagi perempuan. Dari berbagai penelitian yang dilakukan zat diallyl sulfida yang terdapat dalam bawang putih menghambat pertumbuhan dan transformasi PhIP menjadi karsinogen yang pada akhirnya dapat menyebabkan kanker payudara.
Namun perlu anda ingat bahwa bawang putih memiliki zat anti kanker yang efektif untuk mencegah pertumbuhan sel dari berbagai jenis kanker yang berbahaya bagi anda.

3. Ampuh Menurunkan Tekanan Darah Tinggi

Ini adalah manfaat bawang putih yang sudah teruji, telah banyak riset yang mengeluarkan fakta bahwa bawang putih efektif menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi sekitar 7-8% (Sumber : WebMD). Bahkan efek dari bawang putih ini dapat menurunkan tekanan darah pada orang normal.  Sebagian besar penelitian menggunakan bubuk bawang putih tertentu.

4. Bawang Putih Kaya Akan Nutrisi dan Rendah Kalori

Bawang putih merupakan salah satu herbal yang memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang sangat baik dan di butuhkan oleh tubuh. Bawang putih sangat tinggi kandungan vitamin C dan Kalsium serta zat besi.
Berikut adalah ringkasan dari nutrisi yang diberikan oleh bawang putih per 136 Gr bawang putih:
  • Vitamin C; Memenuhi 71 % kebutuhan harian
  • Kalsium; Memenuhi 25 % kebutuhan harian
  • Besi; Memenuhi 13 % kebutuhan harian
  • Karbohidrat (45 gr); 15 % kebutuhan harian
  • Serat (3 g); memenuhi 11 % kebutuhan harian.
Nutrisi yang terdapat dalam kandungan bawang putih ini sangat bermanfaat bagi tubuh manusia, namun uniknya ia tidak mengandung zat atau nutrisi yang mungkin berbahaya bagi tubuh jika terlalu besar seperti lemak jenuh dan kalori.
Herbal ini dipastikan dapat membantu menunjang kesehatan tubuh dan menjadikan kita bebas dari berbagai penyakit berbahaya.

5. Sumber Antivirus/anti bakteri/ Antioksidan Yang sangat Ampuh

Khasiat paling populer dari bawang putih adalah sumber antioksidan yang sangat kaya dan tentunya dibutuhkan oleh tubuh. Bukan hanya untuk mencegah, bawang putih juga dikenal sebagai anti virus dan bakteri, zat yang terkandung dalam bawang putih ini dapat membantu mencegah perkembangan bakteri, jamur, ragi, dan virus serta cacing dalam tubuh.

6. Ampuh Memangkas Kolesterol Jahat (LDL)
Salah satu kehebatan lain dari herbal/bumbu masakan paling terkenal di Indonesia ini adalah kemampuannya dalam menurunkan kolesterol jahat. Ia mampu memangkas LDL (kolesterol jahat) dalam tubuh secara signifikan, berbagai riset membuktikan bahwa ia dapat memangkas LDL sebanyak 10-15%. Jangan khawatir dengan HDL (kolesterol baik) anda, walaupun bawang putih ampuh untuk menurunkan LDL, tapi tidak memiliki efek berarti bagi HDL, sehingga anda akan tetap sehat.
Produksi insulin dapat dipacu bengan mengkonsumsi bawang putih, hal ini sama seperti manfaat kopi yang dikonsumsi dengan bijak. Peningkatan insulin ini mengurangi kadar gula dalam darah.

7. Ingin Umur Panjang? Bawang Putih Solusinya

Umur memang rahasia Tuhan, namun dengan segudang manfaat bawang putih yang kita bahas tidak ada salahnya bahwa konsumsi bawang putih secara rutin dapat membantu meningkatkan umur agar panjang dan awet. Berikut beberapa pertimbangannya.
  • Menghindari kanker, pembunuh utama di dunia
  • Menghindari penyakit jantung dengan kemampuan memangkas LDL dalam darah.
  • Mengurangi tekanan darah tinggi
  • Anti oksidan + Anti Bakteri + Anti Virus
Ke empat dari fungsi di atas merupakan salah satu faktor menunjang untuk hidup awet muda dan panjang umur. Terhindar dari berbagai penyakit berbahaya dan anti oksidan serta anti bakteri merupakan kunci hidup sehat bahagia.

8. Bawang Putih Efektif Untuk Kecantikan Kulit

Tidak hanya kesehatan yang ditopang oleh bawang putih, seperti halnya manfaat mentimun, bawang putih juga memberikan manfaat sangat baik untuk kecantikan kulit.
  1. Membersihkan komedo. Komedo sering muncul didaerah hidung dan menggangu penampilan. Cukup haluskan bawang putih, lalu oleskan pada daerah yang dihinggapi komedo.
  2. Menghilangkan noda bekas luka. Bekas luka terkadang membuat kurangnya rasa percaya diri bagi yang memlikinya. Manfaat bawang putih, memberikan sifat anti radang yang mampu membersihkan sisa luka pada kulit. Oleskan bawang putih pada bagian noda luka tersebut.
Obat jerawat. Satu siung bawang putih yang dihaluskan lalu balurkan pada permukaan kulit yang terdapat jerawat, kemudian diamkan 10 menit atau gunakan saat sebelum tidur. Keesokan harinya, jerawat akan mengempes dan lebih kecil, lakukan secara rutin untuk mendapatkan hasil optimal.

9. Mencegah Demensia dan Penyakit Alzheimer

Koq bisa bawang putih sampai pada mencegah penyakit syaraf seperti demensia dan alzheimer ini ? Kerusakan syaraf atau oksidatif yang disebabkan oleh radikal bebas sangat berperan pada proses penuaan dini. Bawang putih mengandung antioksidan yang mendukung mekanisme perlindungan tubuh terhadap kerusakan oksidatif.
Suplemen bawang putih telah terbukti untuk meningkatkan enzim antioksidan pada manusia, serta secara signifikan mengurangi stres oksidatif pada pasien dengan tekanan darah tinggi.
Manfaat gabungan seperti pengurangan kolesterol dan tekanan darah, serta sifat antioksidan, dapat membantu mencegah penyakit otak umum seperti penyakit Alzheimer dan demensia.

10. Bawang Putih Dapat Memangkas Berat Badan

Berbagai riset telah menemukan bahwa zat anti inflamasi yang terdapat di bawang putih dapat membantu mengatur sel lemak yang terbentuk dalam tubuh kita. Obesitas atau berat badan terjadi ketika lemak terus terbentuk, tahapan ini mengubah Pre-adiposit menjadi sel-sel lemak (adipocytes) melalui proses yang kita namakan sistem inflamasi. Vinyldithiin zat yang terdapat pada bawang putih dapat membantu menghambat terjadinya proses inflamasi ini yang tentu baik untuk mencegah berat badan .

11. Menghilangkan Sakit Gigi Sangat Ampuh

Bawang putih terkadang dapat bermanfaat pada saat kritis atau mendesak ketika anda mengalami sakit gigi, wahh ?? kenapa yah ? Sakit gigi secara umum disebabkan oleh bakteri yang terdapat pada gigi anda. Sifat anti virus serta bakteri yang ada pada bawang putih dapat membasmi dan menghilangkan bakteri penyebab sakit gigi. Selain itu ia juga memiliki kandungan analgesik yang ampuh untuk mengatasi sakit gigi anda.

12. Meningkatkan Metabolisme Zat Besi

Riset terkini mengenai bawang putih telah menunjukkan bahwa ia sangat ampuh dalam memboost metabolisme zat besi. Zat besi disimpan dalam sel yang terdapat pada tubuh kita, aktivitas selanjutnya adalah pemindahan keluar dari sel dan kembali dalam sirkulasi tubuh yang tentu membutuhkan protein yang dinamakan ferroportin. Ferroportin adalah protein yang berjalan melintasi membran sel, dan menyediakan jembatan bagi zat besi untuk menyeberang dan meninggalkan sel. Bawang putih dapat meningkatkan produksi protein ini sehingga membantu menjaga zat besi yang beredar dalam tubuh sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Efek Samping Mengkonsumsi bawang putih mentah secara berlebihan !!!!!
ini adalah beberapa efek samping bawang putih yang mungkin terjadi yang perlu anda pertimbangkan  (sumber : WebMD).
  • Efek samping pada kulit,  Jika anda menggunakannya untuk kulit, bawang putih sangat “berbahaya” jika anda oleskan terlalu tebal karena akan menyebabkan seperti bekas terbakar.
  • Kehamilan dan menyusui: Bawang putih KEMUNGKINAN AMAN pada kehamilan ketika dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang wajar. Bawang putih mungkin tidak aman bila digunakan dalam jumlah besar dalam kehamilan dan menyusui. Tidak ada informasi yang cukup dapat diandalkan tentang keamanan menggunakan bawang putih pada saat sedang hamil atau menyusui.
  • Anak-anak. Bawang putih mungkin AMAN ketika diminum dan tepat untuk jangka pendek pada anak-anak. Tapi bawang putih mungkin tidak aman ketika diminum dalam dosis besar. Beberapa sumber menyatakan bahwa dosis tinggi bawang putih bisa berbahaya atau bahkan fatal bagi anak-anak; Namun, alasan untuk peringatan ini tidak diketahui. Tidak ada laporan kasus yang tersedia efek samping yang signifikan atau kematian pada anak-anak terkait dengan mengkonsumsi bawang putih.
  • Pendarahan. Bawang putih, terutama bawang putih segar, dapat meningkatkan perdarahan.
  • Masalah Pencernaan. Bawang putih dapat menyebabkan iritasi saluran gastrointestinal (GI). Gunakan dengan bijak jika anda mengalami masalah dengan pencernaan atau fungsi lambung.
  • Operasi/Bedah: Bawang putih mungkin dapat menyebabkan perdarahan. Berhenti mengkonsumsi bawang putih setidaknya dua minggu sebelum jadwal operasi.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Free Download Boruto-Naruto next generation (eps07-08)

Boruto Episode 07-08

genre : Animation,Adventure
Quality : 720p (BlueRay)
File sizes : 155Mb/Episode

Download Here Episode 07
Subtitle Download Here Episode 07 (indonesia)

Download Here Episode 08
Subtitle Download Here Episode 08 (Indonesia)

Thursday, May 25, 2017

7 benefits of ginger

7 benefits of ginger

1.Warm the body

Warm ginger properties can help increase body temperature, In addition ginger also has antiviral and anti toxins to help remove sweat that can help treat cough and colds

2.Prevention of cancer

Ginger extract can suppress the growth of some cancer cells, such as preventing the spread of symptoms of skin cancer, pancreas, kidney cancer and symptoms of lung cancer

3.Resolve respiratory problems

The most common respiratory problems suffered are cough and cold. Ginger is a type of natural expectorant that works in relieving the respiratory system, by breaking and eliminating mucus (sputum), so it is easy to get out and restore the respiratory system as usual


Drinks that contain ginger can also help digestion, Ginger helps the absorption and prevent the possibility of abdominal pain, due to its nature that reduces inflammation

5.Overcome bruising and pain

When the body experiences a blunt collision, it sometimes causes bruises. The compound in ginger extract is anti inflammatory, which can be used to relieve pain naturally due to blunt object collision, anti inflammatory content in ginger can also reduce the pain of symptoms of rheumatic diseases

6.Overcoming oily skin

Natural mineral ingredients in ginger can be trusted to reduce potentially oily skin, here are the ways :

*Mix ingredients: Ginger grated, sea salt, cinnamon powder and nutmeg powder
*Blend with a little water, until it looks like pasta
*Then apply on the face points that produce a lot of oil, then let stand for 10 minutes, rinse with cold water

7.Eliminate dandruff

Ginger extract is used as a hairdresser that naturally reduces dandruff, ginger extract can also prevent the occurrence of hair loss problems

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Free Download Mohabbatein Songs

Mohabbatein (2000) Songs

The Music from the motions picture

1. Ankhen khuli ho ya ho                                                 Download
2. Chalte chalte yuhi                                                        Download
3. Chalte chalte yuhi 2                                                     Download
4. Dance track                                                                  Download
5. Humko hami se chura lo                                             Download
6. Pairo mein bandan hai                                                Download
7. Soni soni ankhiyon wali                                              Download
8. Theme                                                                           Download
9. Zinda rehti hai mohhabatein                                       Download

Monday, May 22, 2017

7 cara mengatasi pc yang lemot (indonesia)

Cara mengatasi PC yang lemot (Windows 7,8,dan 10)

1.Temukan Program Resource-Hungry

PC Anda berjalan lambat karena ada sesuatu yang menggunakan sumber daya tersebut. Jika tiba-tiba berjalan lebih lambat, proses pelarian mungkin menggunakan 99% sumber daya CPU Anda, misalnya. Atau, aplikasi mungkin mengalami kebocoran memori dan menggunakan sejumlah besar memori, menyebabkan PC Anda menukar ke disk. Sebagai alternatif, aplikasi mungkin menggunakan disk banyak, menyebabkan aplikasi lain melambat saat mereka perlu memuat data dari atau menyimpannya ke disk.

Untuk mengetahui, buka Task Manager. Anda bisa klik kanan taskbar Anda dan pilih opsi "Task Manager" atau tekan Ctrl + Shift + Escape untuk membukanya. Pada Windows 8, 8.1, dan 10, Task Manager yang baru menyediakan antarmuka yang ditingkatkan sehingga aplikasi kode warna menggunakan banyak sumber daya. Klik "CPU," "Memory," dan "Disk" header untuk mengurutkan daftar oleh aplikasi menggunakan sumber daya yang paling. Jika ada aplikasi yang menggunakan terlalu banyak sumber daya, Anda mungkin ingin menutupnya dengan normal - jika tidak bisa, pilih di sini dan klik "End Task" untuk memaksanya menutup.

2.Tutup Program pada System Tray

Banyak aplikasi cenderung berjalan di system tray, atau area notifikasi. Aplikasi ini sering diluncurkan saat startup dan tetap berjalan di latar belakang namun tetap tersembunyi di balik ikon panah atas di sudut kanan bawah layar Anda. Klik ikon panah atas di dekat baki sistem, klik kanan aplikasi yang tidak Anda butuhkan untuk berjalan di latar belakang, dan tutup untuk membebaskan sumber daya.

3.Disable Startup Programs

Lebih baik lagi, mencegah aplikasi tersebut diluncurkan saat startup untuk menghemat memori dan siklus CPU, serta mempercepat proses masuk.

Pada Windows 8, 8.1, dan 10, sekarang ada manajer startup di Task Manager yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengelola program startup Anda. Klik kanan taskbar dan pilih "Task Manager" atau tekan Ctrl + Shift + Escape untuk meluncurkannya. Klik ke tab Startup dan nonaktifkan aplikasi startup yang tidak Anda butuhkan. Windows akan dengan mudah memberi tahu Anda aplikasi mana yang memperlambat proses startup Anda paling banyak.

4.Scan for Malware and Adware

Ada juga kemungkinan komputer Anda lambat karena perangkat lunak berbahaya memperlambatnya dan berjalan di latar belakang. Ini mungkin bukan perangkat lunak jahat - ini mungkin perangkat lunak yang mengganggu penjelajahan web Anda untuk melacaknya dan menambahkan iklan tambahan, misalnya.
Agar ekstra aman, pindai komputer Anda dengan program antivirus. Anda juga harus memindainya dengan Malwarebytes, yang banyak menangkap "program yang berpotensi tidak diinginkan" (PUP) yang sebagian besar program antivirus cenderung diabaikan. Program ini mencoba menyelinap ke komputer Anda saat Anda menginstal perangkat lunak lain, dan Anda hampir pasti tidak menginginkannya.

5.Free Up Disk Space

Jika hard drive Anda hampir penuh, komputer Anda mungkin akan terasa lebih lambat. Anda ingin meninggalkan komputer Anda beberapa ruang untuk bekerja pada hard drive Anda. Ikuti panduan untuk membebaskan ruang pada PC Windows Anda untuk membebaskan kamar. Anda tidak memerlukan perangkat lunak pihak ketiga - cukup menjalankan alat Pembersihan Disk yang disertakan di Windows dapat membantu cukup sedikit.

6.Defragment Your Hard Disk

Defragmenting hard disk Anda sebenarnya tidak perlu dilakukan pada versi Windows modern. Ini secara otomatis akan defragment hard drive mekanik di latar belakang. Solid-state drive tidak benar-benar membutuhkan defragmentasi tradisional, walaupun versi modern Windows akan "mengoptimalkan" mereka - dan tidak apa-apa.

Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang defragmentasi sebagian besar waktu. Namun, jika Anda memiliki hard drive mekanis dan Anda baru saja memasukkan banyak file ke drive - misalnya menyalin database besar atau gigabyte file game PC - file tersebut mungkin akan di-defragment karena Windows belum selesai Untuk defragmenting mereka belum. Dalam situasi ini, Anda mungkin ingin membuka alat defragmenter disk dan melakukan pemindaian untuk melihat apakah Anda perlu menjalankan program defrag manual.

7.Uninstall Programs You Don’t Use

Buka Control Panel, cari daftar program yang terinstal, dan uninstall program yang tidak Anda gunakan dan tidak perlu dari PC Anda. Hal ini dapat membantu mempercepat PC Anda, karena program tersebut mungkin mencakup proses latar belakang, entri autostart, layanan sistem, entri menu konteks, dan hal-hal lain yang dapat memperlambat PC Anda. Ini juga akan menghemat ruang pada hard drive Anda dan meningkatkan keamanan sistem - misalnya, Anda pasti tidak menginstal Java jika Anda tidak menggunakannya.

Download Beauty and The Beast (2017)

Beauty and the beast (2017)
The new movie from DISNEY

Genre : Fantasy,Family,Musical
Quality : 720p(blueRay)
File size : 1Gb

AliExpress.com Product - Original Xiaomi Mi5 smartphone Mi 5 Snapdragon 820 3000mAh Dual SIM Card 4K Video Mobile Phones

Download Click Here

Movies Details Click Here

An adaptation of the fairy tale about a monstrous-looking prince and a young woman who fall in love.

Story Lines

In Rococo-era France, an enchantress disguised as a beggar arrives at a ball and offers the host, a coldhearted prince, a rose for shelter. When he refuses, she transforms him into a monstrous beast and his servants into household objects, and erases the castle from the memories of their loved ones. She casts a spell on the rose and warns the prince that, unless he learns to love another and earn their love in return before the last petal falls, he and his servants will lose their humanity forever.
Years later, in the village of Villeneuve, Belle dreams of adventure and brushes off advances from Gaston, an arrogant former soldier. Lost in the forest, Belle's father Maurice seeks refuge in the Beast's castle, but the Beast imprisons him for stealing a rose. Belle ventures out in search for him and finds him locked in the castle dungeon. The Beast agrees to let her take Maurice's place.
Belle befriends the castle's servants, who treat her to a spectacular dinner. When she wanders into the forbidden west wing and finds the rose, the Beast, enraged, scares her into the woods. She is cornered by wolves, but the Beast rescues her and is injured in the process. A friendship develops as Belle nurses his wounds. The Beast shows Belle a gift from the enchantress, a book that transports readers wherever they want. Belle uses it to visit her childhood home in Paris, where she discovers a plague doctor mask. She realizes that she and her father were forced to leave her mother's deathbed as she succumbed to the plague.
In Villeneuve, Gaston sees rescuing Belle as an opportunity to win her hand in marriage and agrees to help Maurice. When Maurice learns of his ulterior motive and rejects him, Gaston abandons him to the wolves. Maurice is rescued by a beggar, Agathe, but when he tells the townsfolk of Gaston's crime, Gaston convinces them to send him to an insane asylum.
After sharing a romantic dance with the Beast, Belle discovers her father's predicament using a magic mirror. The Beast releases her to save Maurice, giving her the mirror to remember him with. At Villeneuve, Belle proves Maurice's sanity by revealing the Beast in the mirror to the townsfolk. Realizing that Belle loves the Beast, Gaston has her thrown into the asylum carriage with her father and rallies the villagers to follow him to the castle to slay the Beast. Maurice and Belle escape and Belle rushes back to the castle.
During the battle, Gaston abandons his companion LeFou, who sides with the servants to fend off the villagers. Gaston attacks the Beast in his tower, who is too depressed to fight back, but regains his will upon seeing Belle return. He spares Gaston's life before reuniting with Belle. However, Gaston shoots the Beast from a bridge, but it collapses when the castle crumbles and he falls to his death. The Beast dies as the last petal falls and the servants become inanimate. When Belle tearfully professes her love to him, Agathe reveals herself as the enchantress and undoes the curse, repairing the crumbling castle and restoring the Beast's and servants' human forms and the villagers' memories. The Prince and Belle host a ball for the kingdom, where they dance happily.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Free Download Logan (2017)

The new Box Office From Marvel 

Genre : Action,Drama,Sci-fi
Quality : 720p(HDrip)
File Size : 1.2Gb

Movie Details Click Here

Download Click Here With Korean Subtitle (4shared.com)
Download Click Here Without Subtitle (Google Drive)

In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X somewhere on the Mexican border. However, Logan's attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are upended when a young mutant arrives, pursued by dark forces.




  (story by),  (screenplay) | 2 more credits »

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Free Mobile Phone Video Converter tools for PC

Top 5 Video converter (FREEware)

1.Any Video Converter

Download HERE
Any Video Converter is an All-in-One video converting tool with easy-to-use graphical interface, fast converting speed and excellent video quality. It allows you to effortlessly convert video files between every format! It can convert almost all video formats including DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI to MPEG-4 movie format for iPod/PSP or other portable video device, MP4 player or smart phone. It also supports any user defined video file formats as the output. Any Video Converter makes it easy for anyone to enjoy the any format video with your iPod, PSP, mobile phone or MP4 player.
  • User-friendly interface that is easy to use.
  • Converts all video formats to Apple iPod Video, Sony PSP and more
  • Batch convert any video formats including avi, wmv, asf, mpg, mp4, etc.
  • Support DivX and Xvid avi format as importing and exporting video
  • Support default video/audio settings or user customized parameters for video and audio.
  • Has the option to preview the video in real-time before conversion .
  • World's fastest video conversion speed with stunning video and audio quality.
  • Supports adjust many video/audio options for MP4 files. For example, video/audio sample rate, bit rate, video size...
2.Video to Video Converter

Download HERE
Video to Video Converter is a great free tool for converting your video content. The application has a standard explorer interface and is really simple to use.
Video to Video Converter supports a large number of output video formats including; AVI, DivX, Xvid, mpeg-4, AVC/H264, mpeg, mpeg2, MOV, WMV, 3GP, 3GP2, MKV, WEBM, SWF, FLV, RM, ASG, GIF, and DV. Video to Video Converter also supports lots of output audio files including; MP2, MP3,AAC, AC3, WAV, M4A, VORBIS, 3GPP, FLAC, MMf, IFF and AU.
Key features include:
  • Supports over 200+ of input formats.
  • Supports over 700+ of output presets.
  • Simple user interface.
  • Video Joiner lets you combine multiple movies in one video.
  • Video Splitter lets you cut out parts of the content you don't need.
  • Video to Images Tool.
  • Images to Video Picshow Tool.
  • Video to Thumbnails Tool.
  • Live preview.
Video to Video Converter allows you to to convert almost all of your existing video and audio files. Noteworthy is the built-in DVD Ripper, which has support for foreign languages subtitles. Overall, Video to Video Converter is a relatively lightweight application that is easy to use and has lots of features coupled with a large format support base.

3.Sothink Free Video Converter

Download HERE
Sothink Free Video Converter is a lightweight application that allows you to convert rich video and audio formats with high definition at fast speed.
Key features include:
  • HD Support : Convert high-definition videos and any other formats, like HD MP4, HD AVI, MOV, MKV, M2TS, M2T, MTS.
  • Full media formats: Convert AVI, MP4, FLV, ASF, WMV, MKV, MOV, MPEG, H.264, RM, 3GP, M2TS, MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG, WAV, YouTube, CD/VCD/SVCD/DVD.
  • HTML5 video converter: Convert videos to HTML5 video formats (OGG, MP4, WebM).
  • Video editing: Trim video clips, edit video codecs, dimension, zoom, bit rate, frame rate, sample rate, channel, video/audio quality. Instant preview support.
  • Multiple device support:Apple iPad/iPod/iPhone, Sony PSP, Zune, MP4 players, Android, BlackBerry, Nokia, HTC, Xbox.
Overall, Sothink Free Video Converter is an easy to use application that has a crisp and uncluttered user interface; 5 drop down menu's and the file management pane is where all the action takes place. Unfortunately, most of the encoding options are reserved for the full version. Apart from those issues, it is a very intuitive application with a good looking interface coupled with some cool features such as photo extraction from video and batch processing to help you plow your way through your media collection.

4.WinX Video Converter

Download HERE
WinX Video Converter allows you to convert all HD/SD videos easily. It comes with 300+ built-in video and audio codes that enable you to convert all of your HD/SD videos, including JVC/Sony/Panasonic/Canon camcorder HD videos. With WinX Video Converter you can convert all kinds of media ranging from MKV to MP4/WMV, MTS to MOV, and MPEG/FLV/AVI to WMV.
Key features include:
  • Supports 1080p multi-track video MKV, M2TS, AVCHD, HDTV and BDAV.
  • Convert video free between AVI, MP4, H.264, WMV, MPEG, FLV, MOV, 3GP, QT, TS, MOD, and TOD.
  • Image optimization provided by a high quality engine and a de-interlacing engine.
  • External subtitle support.
  • Support for merging, cropping, trimming and output size/quality adjustment.
  • Easy to use.
WinX Video Converter is a powerful media conversion tool to have in your arsenal of weapons. It utilizes cutting-edge technology that supports the latest machines with multi-core CPU processors. Coupled with a super transcoding engine, which combines a de-interlacing engine with an advanced high quality engine, it provides you with a top quality, optimized conversion.
WinX Video Converter also has a bag of editing tricks stacked up its sleeve. It enables you to trim video by simply setting the start/end time, crop and expand video to a certain ratio as you need, select inner subtitles or add external SRT subtitle files, and you can finely adjust the volume. You can also include tag information such as name, genre and media comments. If you usually like to tweak your conversion process more than most folks, WinX Video Converter doesn't disappoint. You can tweak the video codec, video bit rate, frame rate, aspect ratio, resolution, audio codec, audio bit rate, audio channel number, and sample rate as well.
Overall, WinX Video Converter is a great tool that is relatively lightweight, has an easy to use interface and a stack of tools to get you underway. For freeware, it really is a top media 

5.FreeMake Video Converter

Download Version For windows XP HERE

.Net Framework 4.0 Client For Windows XP 

Download Version For windows 7 HERE

.NET Framework Version 4.0 4.7 For Windows 7

Note : Freemake video converter need .Net Framework 4.0 client (this version only for windows xp OS),If you update this version software may can't run on Windows XP system,because update version for this software need .Net framework 4.5 above

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free download Killer Elite (2011)

Killer Elite (2011) Genre : Action,Crime Thriller Quality : 720p(BlueRay) File Size : 890Mb Movie Details...