Monday, July 24, 2017

Free Download The Chronicles of Narnia (Series)

The Chronicles of Narnia (film series)

1.The Lion,The Witch,and The Wardrobe (2005)

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2.Prince Caspian (2008)

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3.The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader

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Friday, July 21, 2017

Free Download Journey to the edge of universe (2008)

Journey to the edge of universe (2008)

Genre : Documentary
Quality : 720p (BlueRay)
File Size : 650Mb

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Journey to the Edge of the Universe is a documentary film broadcast on National Geographic and the Discovery Channel. It documents a space journey from Earth to the edge of the universe itself. The US edition was narrated by Alec Baldwin and the UK edition by Sean Pertwee.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Free Download Alien : Covenant (2017)

Alien : Covenant (2017)

Genre :Horror,Sci-Fi,Thriller
Quality : 720p(Web Rip)
File Size : 900Mb

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Story Lines :
In a prologue, business magnate Peter Weyland speaks with his newly-activated synthetic, who chooses the name "David" after looking at a replica of Michelangelo's statue of David. Weyland tells David that one day they will search for mankind's creator together. David launches into an ominous statement about his unlimited lifespan as compared to his creator's limited one, foreshadowing a turn in the hierarchy of their relationship.
In 2104 the colonization ship Covenant is bound for a remote planet, Origae-6, with two thousand colonists and a thousand human embryos aboard. The ship is monitored by Walter, a newer synthetic physically resembling the earlier David model, albeit with some modifications. A stellar neutrino burst damages the ship, killing some of the colonists. Walter orders the ship's computer to wake the crew from stasis, but the ship's captain, Jake Branson, dies when his stasis pod malfunctions. While repairing the ship, the crew picks up a radio transmission from a nearby unknown planet, dubbed by Ricks as "planet number 4".[8] Against the objections of Daniels, Branson's widow, now-Captain Oram decides to investigate.
As the Covenant remains in orbit, an expedition team descends to the planet's surface without wearing any protective suits and tracks the transmission's signal to a crashed alien ship. While on the surface, security team members Ledward and Hallett, Sergeant Lope's husband, are inadvertently infected with alien spores. Karine, Oram's wife, helps the rapidly sickening Ledward back to the lander, where Maggie Faris, wife of pilot Tennessee Faris, quarantines them both inside the med-bay. A small pale alien creature (Neomorph) bursts from Ledward's back, killing him, then mauls Karine to death. Maggie attempts to shoot the creature, but accidentally triggers an explosion which kills her and destroys the lander. The Neomorph escapes to the planet's surface while another such creature bursts from Hallett's throat, killing him.
The Neomorphs attack the remaining crew members and kill Ankor. The crew manage to kill one before David, who survived the Prometheus mission, scares away the other and leads the crew to a city full of humanoid (Engineer) corpses. David tells them that upon his and Dr. Elizabeth Shaw's arrival at the planet, their ship accidentally released a black liquid bio-weapon which killed the native population and that Shaw died when the ship crashed in the ensuing chaos.
After the crew members tell David of their mission, they attempt to radio the Covenant for help, but the surviving Neomorph infiltrates the city and finds security team member Rosenthal alone before decapitating her. David tries to communicate with the creature, but is horrified when Oram kills it. Under Oram's gunpoint, David reveals that the aliens are a result of his experimenting with the black liquid as a catalyst to create a new species. He leads Oram to an incubation chamber and tricks him into being embraced by afacehugger which implants Oram with a Xenomorph which, some time later, erupts from Oram's chest, killing him.
As the others search for Oram and Rosenthal, Walter, who has found Shaw's dissected corpse, confronts David after realizing that David had deliberately depopulated the planet when he unleashed the black liquid upon the Engineers. David explains that he believes humans are a dying species and should not be allowed to colonize the galaxy. When Walter disagrees, David disables him and confronts Daniels, telling her he will do to her "exactly what he did" to Shaw. Walter reactivates himself and fights David, allowing Daniels to escape while Lope is attacked by a facehugger; security member Cole saves Lope, but the now mature Xenomorph attacks them and kills Cole. Tennessee arrives in another lander to extract Daniels, Lope, and the seemingly victorious Walter who in fact is David in disguise. They kill the Xenomorph before docking with the Covenant. However, Lope had been implanted with another Xenomorph embryo, which bursts from his chest and kills him before escaping into the ship, quickly maturing before killing crew members Ricks and his wife Upworth. David, still disguised as Walter, appears to help Tennessee and Daniels lure the creature into the Covenant's terraforming bay and flush it into space.

The Covenant resumes its trip to Origae-6, and the surviving crew re-enters stasis. As Walter still in disguise, David helps puts Daniels under, and she realizes too late that he is actually David. A horrified Daniels is unable to escape her stasis pod as she falls asleep while David watches. Now in control of both the ship and its population, David regurgitates two facehugger embryos and places them in cold storage alongside the human embryos before exploring the cargo bay containing the colonists in stasis, ready to continue his experiments. He then poses as Walter to record a log explaining that all crew members except Daniels and Tennessee were killed by the neutrino blast at the beginning of the film and the ship is still on course for Origae-6 before signing off.

Free Download Red Cliff 2 (2009)

Red Cliff 2 (2009)

Genre : Action,Drama,History
Quality : 720p(BlueRay)
File Size : 1.02Gb

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Story Lines :

Part II[edit]

Sun Shangxiang has infiltrated Cao Cao's camp and is secretly noting its details and sending them via a pigeon to Zhuge Liang. Meanwhile, Cao Cao's army is seized with a plague of typhoid fever that kills a number of his troops. Cao Cao orders the corpses to be sent on floating rafts to the allies' camp, in the hope of spreading the plague to his enemies. The allied army's morale is affected when some unsuspecting soldiers let the plague in. Eventually, a disheartened Liu Bei leaves with his forces while Zhuge Liang stays behind to assist Sun Quan. Cao Cao is overjoyed when he hears that the alliance has collapsed. At the same time, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun propose a new tactic of interlocking the battleships with iron beams to minimise rocking when sailing on the river and reduce the chances of the troops falling seasick.

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Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang make plans to eliminate Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, and produce 100,000 arrows respectively. They agreed that whoever fails to complete his mission shall be executed under military law. Zhuge Liang's ingenious strategy of letting the enemy shoot 20 boats covered in straw brings in over 100,000 arrows from the enemy and makes Cao Cao doubt the loyalty of Cai Mao and Zhang Yun. On the other hand, Cao Cao sends Jiang Gan to persuade Zhou Yu to surrender, but Zhou tricks Jiang into believing that Cai and Zhang are planning to assassinate Cao. Both Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu's respective plans complement each other when Cao Cao is convinced, despite having earlier doubts about Jiang Gan's report, that Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were indeed planning to assassinate him by deliberately "donating" arrows to the enemy. Cai Mao and Zhang Yun are executed while Cao Cao realises his folly afterwards but it is too late.
Sun Shangxiang returns to base from Cao Cao's camp with a map of the enemy formation. Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang decide to attack Cao Cao's navy with fire after predicting that a special climatic condition will soon cause the winds to blow from the southeast – a direction to their advantage. Before the battle, Sun Quan's forces feast on rice dumplings to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Meanwhile, Zhou Yu's wife,Xiaoqiao, heads towards Cao Cao's camp alone secretly in the hope of persuading Cao to give up his ambitious plans. She fails to convince Cao Cao and decides to distract him with an elaborate tea ceremony to buy time for her side.
The battle begins when the southeast wind starts blowing in the middle of the night. Sun Quan's forces launch their attack on Cao Cao's navy by ramming smaller boats that are set aflame into Cao's larger battleships. On the other hand, Liu Bei's forces, whose departure from the alliance was a ruse, start attacking Cao Cao's forts on land. By dawn, Cao Cao's entire navy has been destroyed. The allies launch another offensive on Cao Cao's ground army in his forts, and succeed in breaking through using testudo formationdespite suffering heavy casualties. Although Cao Cao is besieged in his main camp, he manages to hold Zhou Yu at sword point after ambushing him with the help of Cao Hong. Xiahou Jun also shows up with Xiaoqiao as a hostage and threatens to kill her if the allies do not surrender. Just then, Zhao Yun manages to reverse the situation by rescuing Xiaoqiao with a surprise attack, while Sun Quan fires an arrow that grazes the top of Cao Cao's head and causes his hair to be let loose. Cao Cao is now at the mercy of the allies, but they spare his life and leave. In the final scene, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang have a final conversation before Zhuge walks away into the far distance with the newborn foal Mengmeng.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Free Download Red Cliff 1 (2008)

Red Cliff 1 (2008)

Genre : Action,Adventure,Drama
Quality : 720p(BlueRay)
File Size : 1Gb

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Also See Red Cliff Part 2

Story lines :

Part I :
In the summer of 208, towards the end of the Eastern Han dynasty, the ChancellorCao Cao, leads the imperial army on a campaign to eliminate the southern warlords Sun Quan and Liu Bei, whom he denounces as "rebels". Emperor Xian reluctantly approves the campaign. Cao Cao's mighty army swiftly conquers Jing Province. The Battle of Changban is ignited when Cao Cao's cavalry starts attacking civilians on an exodus led by Liu Bei. During the battle, Liu Bei's followers, including his sworn brothers Guan Yu andZhang Fei, give an excellent display of their combat skills by holding off the enemy while buying time for the civilians to retreat. The warrior Zhao Yun fights bravely to rescue Liu Bei's entrapped family but only succeeds in rescuing Liu's infant son.
Following the battle, Liu Bei's advisor, Zhuge Liang, goes on a diplomatic mission to Jiangdong to form an alliance between his lord and Sun Quan against Cao Cao. Sun Quan was initially in the midst of a dilemma of whether to surrender or fight back, but his decision to resist Cao Cao hardens after Zhuge Liang's clever persuasion and a subsequent tiger hunt with his viceroy Zhou Yu and his sister Sun Shangxiang. Meanwhile, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, two naval commanders from Jing Province, pledge allegiance to Cao Cao, who puts them in command of his navy.
After the hasty formation of the Sun–Liu alliance, the forces of Liu Bei and Sun Quan call for a meeting to formulate a plan to counter Cao Cao's army, which is rapidly advancing towards their base at Red Cliff from both land and water. The battle begins with Sun Shangxiang leading some riders to lure Cao Cao's vanguard force into the allies' Bagua Formation. The vanguard force is defeated by the allies but Cao Cao shows no disappointment and proceeds to lead his main army to the riverbank directly opposite Red Cliff, where they make camp. While the allies throw a banquet to celebrate their victory, Zhuge Liang conceives a plan to send Sun Shangxiang on an espionage mission to Cao Cao's camp. They maintain contact by sending messages via a pigeon. The film ends with Zhou Yu lighting his miniaturised battleships on a map based on the battle formation.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Free Download Domino (2005)

Domino (2005)

Genre : Action,Biography,Crime
Quality : 1080p(BlueRay)
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Story Lines :
Domino Harvey, a bounty hunter, has been arrested by the FBI, investigating the theft of $10 million from an armored truck. Domino is interviewed by criminal psychologist Taryn Mills and tells her everything she knows about the case. Domino explains about her profession and the events leading up to the theft with Mills occasionally prompting her to give more detail.
Domino, a former model living in Los Angeles becomes a bounty hunter when, after being kicked out of college, she notices a newspaper advertisement for a bounty hunter training seminar. Her colleagues are Ed Moseby, Choco and Afghan driver Alf. They are employed by Claremont Williams III, a bail bondsman who also runs an armored car business. Claremont's mistress, Lateesha Rodriguez, works for the California Department of Motor Vehicles. Her granddaughter Mica is suffering from a blood disease and needs an operation that costs $300,000. Claremont sets up the robbery of $10 million from Drake Bishop, the owner of theStratosphere Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas and a client of Claremont. His bounty hunters would return the stolen money and collect a $300,000 finder's fee from Bishop.
Lateesha has been running a counterfeit driver's license racket at the DMV. A teenager named Frances arrives at the DMV and asks Lateesha for fake driver's licenses for himself, his brother, and two of their friends. The FBI are tipped about Lateesha's counterfeit driver's license racket. They threaten to send her to jail unless she gives them information about Frances, whom they have been surveilling. Lateesha throws them off the trail by stating that Frances, his brother and his two friends are going to commit the robbery, when in reality she and Claremont are doing it themselves.
Lateesha carries out the robbery with the help of three co-workers. Claremont finds that Frances and his brother are the sons of mafia boss Anthony Cigliutti. He phones Lateesha and tells her to abort the plan, leaving the money with getaway driver Locus Fender who takes the money to his mother's trailer home. Claremont has the bounty hunters apprehend Frances, his brother and his two friends and then tells them to deliver them to men working for Drake Bishop. Claremont tells them to retrieve the money from Locus Fender and to deliver it to Bishop at the Stratosphere Casino. Following a shootout with Locus's mother, the money is retrieved. Cigliutti is told about his sons' arrest and is led to believe that Bishop had his sons killed. In reality Bishop's men released them on finding that they did not know anything about the robbery. Believing his sons dead, Cigliutti is out for revenge and heads for the Stratosphere. In Las Vegas, Domino takes $300,000 of Bishop's money and gives it to Lateesha for Mica's operation.
At the Stratosphere, the bounty hunters meet with Bishop, who has an armed crew with him. Domino and Bishop discuss the money and what should happen next. Alf has stolen the money and filled the sacks with plastic explosives. He then reveals that he has the remote detonator taped to his hand, and has shipped the money to aid freedom fighters in Afghanistan. Shortly after this revelation Anthony Cigliutti turns up with his crew. Though Bishop denies he has had Cigliutti's sons killed, Cigliutti shoots Bishop. In the ensuing gunfight Choco and Ed are severely wounded, but make it into the elevator with Domino. Alf blows up the top of the Stratosphere and Domino is the only survivor.
After having told Taryn Mills everything, Domino is released by the FBI. Mills advises Domino to retire from bounty hunting. The money in boxes is delivered to Afghanistan and opened by celebrating children in the streets, Mica gets her operation, and Domino shares a moment with her mother.

Free Download The Northlander (2016)

The Northlander (2016)

Genre :Adventure,Fantasy,Sci-Fi
Quality : 720p(Web-DL)
File Size : 700Mb

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Story Lines :

In the year 2961, the time is after humanity and nature have recovered the land. A hunter named Cygnus is called to protect his people. He travels across a desert valley to protect his tribe against a band of Heretics and must find a way for his tribe to survive.
The story is inspired by the historic journey of the Métis leader Louis Riel away from Batoche, Saskatchewan toward the Montana mountains in 1880’s.[9]

The film's futuristic styling of Canadian history has the film contributing to the science fiction movements of Indigenous Futurism.[5]

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Free Download Wonder Woman (2017)

From DC Comic Super Hero :
Wonder Woman

Genre :Action,Crime,Fantasy
Quality : 720p(HDrip)
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Story Lines :
Diana Prince, in present-day Paris, receives a World War I–era photographic plate couriered by Wayne Enterprises and recalls her past.
Diana was raised on the hidden island of Themyscira, home to the Amazon race of warrior women created by the gods of Mount Olympus to protect humankind. In the distant past, Ares, the god of war, slew all his fellow gods, but his father, Zeus, struck him down. Before succumbing to his injuries, Zeus left the Amazons a weapon capable of killing his renegade son: the "Godkiller", presented as a ceremonial sword. Queen Hippolyta, Diana's mother, believes that Ares will never return and forbids Diana from training as a warrior, but Diana and her aunt General Antiope defy the queen and begin training in secret. When the two are discovered by Hippolyta, Antiope convinces her sister to allow Diana's training to continue.
As a young woman in 1918, Diana rescues American pilot Captain Steve Trevor after his plane crashes off the coast of Themyscira. The island is soon invaded by the landing party of a German cruiser pursuing Steve. The Amazons engage and kill all of the German sailors, but Antiope dies intercepting a bullet meant for Diana. Interrogated with theLasso of Hestia, Steve reveals that "The War to End All Wars" is raging in the outside world, and that he is an Allied spy. He has stolen a notebook with valuable information from the Spanish chief chemist Isabel Maru, who is attempting to engineer a deadlier form of mustard gas under the orders of General Erich Ludendorff from a weapon facility in theOttoman Empire. Believing Ares is responsible for the war, Diana arms herself with the sword and leaves Themyscira with Steve to find and destroy Ares.
When the two arrive in London, they deliver Maru's notebook to the Supreme War Council, including Sir Patrick Morgan, who is trying to negotiate an armistice with Germany. Diana translates Maru's notes and reveals that the Germans plan to release the deadly gas at the warfront. Although forbidden by his commanders to act, Steve, with secret funding from Sir Patrick, recruits spy Sameer, marksman Charlie, and smuggler Chief to help prevent the gas from being released. When the team reaches the Western Front inBelgium, they are halted by the enemy lines, but Diana pushes alone through No man's land and rallies the Allied forces behind her to liberate the village of Veld. The team briefly celebrates and takes the group photograph from the beginning of the film. That night, Diana and Steve become intimate and share a kiss.
The team learns a gala will be held at the nearby German High Command. Steve and Diana each infiltrate the party, he intending to locate the gas and destroy it, she intending to kill Ludendorff, believing he is Ares and that killing him will end the war. Steve stops her to avoid jeopardizing the mission. Ludendorff unleashes the gas on Veld, killing its inhabitants. Diana blames Steve for intervening and pursues Ludendorff to a base where the gas is being loaded into a bomber aircraft bound for London. Diana fights and kills Ludendorff but is confused when his death does not stop the war.
Sir Patrick appears and reveals himself as Ares. He tells Diana that although he has subtly given humans ideas and inspirations, it is ultimately their decision to cause violence as they are inherently corrupt. After destroying the ceremonial sword, Ares tells Diana she is the true "Godkiller", as she is the daughter of Zeus. Ares tries to persuade Diana to help him destroy humankind to restore paradise on Earth. While the two battle and the rest of Steve's team destroy Maru's laboratory, Steve pilots the bomber carrying the gas to a safe altitude and detonates it, sacrificing himself in the process. Ares attempts to harness Diana's rage and grief at Steve's death by convincing her to kill Maru, but Diana's memories of Steve and his last words inspire her to decide that humans have good within them, and spares Maru before disintegrating Ares with a bolt of lightning. Back in London, the team celebrates the end of the war.
In the present day, Diana sends an e-mail to Bruce Wayne thanking him for the photographic plate of her and Steve and reaffirms her mission to protect the world as Wonder Woman.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Free Download Smurfs : The Lost Village (2017)

Smurfs : The Lost Village (2017)

Smurfs : The Lost Valley (2017),The latest animated film, perfect for family entertainment

Genre :Animation,Adventure,Comedy
Quality : 720p(BlueRay)
File Size : 751Mb

Movie Details Click Here

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Story Lines :
In Smurf Village, the Smurfs live peacefully among themselves. Their leader is the wise, elderly, and a bit overprotective, Papa Smurf. Some of the Smurfs include the klutzy and slow-witted Clumsy Smurf, the intelligent and eccentric Brainy Smurf, the strong and gutsy Hefty Smurf and the beautiful Smurfette, who feels out of place in Smurf Village as the only girl. Smurfette was created by the wicked wizard Gargamel from a lump of clay, but was redeemed by Papa Smurf and became part of the village. Gargamel makes it his mission to capture the Smurfs, steal all of their essences, and become the most powerful wizard in the world.
After Smurfette accidentally breaks an invention by Brainy, made up by a fun day snowboarding with Brainy, Hefty, and Clumsy, Smurfette sees a blue creature hidden by a leaf and follows it straight into the Forbidden Forest, which Papa Smurf forbids the Smurfs from entering, believing the creature to be a Smurf. She loses sight of the creature but she discovers a hat that was dropped by the possible Smurf. Smurfette ends up being captured by Gargamel and at his castle, she ends up inadvertently revealing the hat, enabling Gargamel to mix up a brew that causes him to locate the village on a map. Soon enough Hefty, Brainy, and Clumsy, who followed Smurfette, help her escape and return to Smurf Village, where they end up being punished by Papa Smurf for disobeying his orders and he confines them to their houses while dismissing their claims of a lost village filled with Smurfs.
However, Smurfette, still wanting to find her place, sneaks out into the night, with Brainy, Clumsy, and Hefty volunteering to come with her, simply because they're Team Smurf. Smurfette agrees to let them join her and together they enter the Forbidden Forest. Gargamel soon discovers them trying to find the lost village and heads out with his cat Azrael and giant bird Monty to stop them.
The four best friends follow the map and end up in various adventures, such as being attacked by monster flowers and getting caught in a stampede of luminescent rabbits, one of whom they befriend and name Bucky, who helps them on their quest. After setting sail on their handmade raft along the river, they encounter Gargamel, Azrael, and Monty. Following a brief chase, Gargamel is thrown out of his own raft. Hefty and Smurfette convince the others to help save him. They do so, but instead of thanking them, he pushes them out of their raft, leaving them to plunge down a waterfall.
Meanwhile, back at Smurf Village, Papa Smurf tries to reconcile with Smurfette over his actions the previous night but soon discovers that she, Brainy, Hefty, and Clumsy are gone, so he sets out to find and set things right with them. Team Smurf survives the waterfall and washes ashore where they are soon captured by the leaf-covered creature from earlier, along with a few others who reveal themselves to be female Smurfs. They are taken to their village (which is called Smurfy Grove) in the trees where they meet the leader Smurf, Willow, the tough tomboy Smurf Storm, the hyperactive Smurf Blossom, the gentle Smurf Lily and the music-loving Smurf Melody. They all welcome the Smurfs, especially Smurfette, to their humble home.
After a while of showing them what they do, Smurf Storm and Clumsy come back with Storm telling Willow that Smurfette was created by Gargamel, and that he's on his way. The female smurfs prepare an attack that night but instead of Gargamel, Papa Smurf appears, and the female Smurfs accept him into their home. As Papa Smurf and Smurf Willow argue and flirt with each other, Gargamel comes and destroys Smurfy Grove, and captures all the Smurfs, except Smurfette, who is now alone, feeling guilty for her actions. However, Brainy's pet Snappy bug shows her a picture of her and the others, and she soon realizes that she is not a real Smurf, and heads back to Gargamel's lair with Snappy and Bucky to save the Smurfs.
At Gargamel's lair, Brainy makes a plan to escape. Papa Smurf hears their plan and he and Smurf Willow decide to help them. Hefty, Brainy, Clumsy, and some of the female Smurfs seem to succeed in their plan until Gargamel and Azrael spot them, and put some of the female Smurfs and Clumsy into his Smurfilator, extracting their essence. Smurfette appears, tricking Gargamel into believing that she wants to be an evil smurf again. When Gargamel tries to turn Smurfette into an evil smurf, he realizes that Smurfette is absorbing his magic powers instead, a skill she found earlier after destroying Brainy's invention. The lair explodes, sending Gargamel, Azrael, and Monty into a lake full of piranhas. Unfortunately, Smurfette has reverted to a lifeless lump of clay. Papa quickly tries to find a spell, but Brainy states there is nothing they can do to save her, leaving everyone, especially Papa, devastated.

Back at Smurf Village, all the Smurfs mourn the loss of Smurfette. Their energy and love for Smurfette revives her, and everybody happily celebrates. Smurf Village and Smurfy Grove rejoice in their new unity. Smurfette finally finds her purpose, becoming a new leader of the Smurfs and most of all, true-blue Smurf.

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